Advent of Code

Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 7916 users.

25   11469   3099  ***
24   12802   5110  ***
23   15555   3038  ***
22   16806   1016  ****
21   15223  10470  ****
20   19316   4531  ****
19   23633   7379  ****
18   25938   5033  *****
17   25110   1142  *****
16   36684   1089  ******
15   42307   4406  *******
14   37774   7698  ******
13   39474   5383  ******
12   32222  14766  *******
11   59107   2475  *********
10   49803  17603  **********
 9   78752   1328  ***********
 8   76186  15217  ************
 7   84231   7621  ************
 6  106210   2055  ***************
 5   82468  32143  ****************
 4  134045  18390  ********************
 3  134306  20814  ********************
 2  202843   9898  ****************************
 1  238574  78032  *****************************************