Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 1615 users.

25   6979   1193  ******
24   7764     89  ******
23   7632   1111  ******
22   8532    161  *******
21   8152     97  *******
20   9617    656  *******
19  10657    130  ********
18  10019   1803  *********
17  11737    666  *********
16  12186   1047  *********
15  13139    335  **********
14  11779    785  *********
13  13711   1195  **********
12  15415    601  ***********
11  15632    558  ***********
10  15789   1620  ************
 9  18781    487  *************
 8  21351    577  ***************
 7  19611   5508  *****************
 6  26453   1179  ******************
 5  29976   1640  *********************
 4  32349   3555  ************************
 3  27962   9345  ************************
 2  45624   7617  **********************************
 1  54182  10391  *****************************************