Advent of Code


Here are the current completion statistics for each day. Gold indicates users that have completed both parts of a puzzle, while silver indicates users that have completed only the first half. Each * or * star represents up to 7432 users.

25   13315   7510  ****
24   16557    253  ****
23   18679    258  ****
22   15517   5114  ****
21   23188   3077  *****
20   22297   1014  *****
19   17683    939  ****
18   25598   4943  *****
17   21684   6258  ****
16   23478   5671  *****
15   39886   5796  *******
14   49293    992  ********
13   51750   1236  ********
12   59533   1077  **********
11   69114   9314  ************
10   85415   5555  *************
 9   82746  11487  **************
 8  107641   7693  *****************
 7  113660   2621  *****************
 6  156547   1619  ***********************
 5  158015   3138  ***********************
 4  185160   3765  **************************
 3  200813  11473  ******************************
 2  233664  12515  **********************************
 1  281975  15279  *****************************************